Earlier this month, singer-songwriter Matt Nathanson played an outdoor concert at the Google Mountain View campus. This was the second in the Music Beta by Google summer concert series, which opened with soul/
One of my favorite quotations about photography originated with Brooks Jensen of LensWork Magazine: "The premise of LensWork is that photography is more than mere craft. Photography is, or can be, a way
The co-hosts of WNYC's Radiolab and Zoë Keating have been on tour, performing a live show that they call Symmetry. We were fortunate enough for them to stop by Google last week. As
Spotted this after leaving an awesome Chorallaries California tour concert yesterday evening.
In contrast to the rain-soaked, wind-strewn version of Spring that's currently happening in the Bay Area, the weather a few short weeks ago was nothing short of idyllic. Here, a hawk glides through