I had the great fortune of watching and listening to Jake Shimabukuro for the second time, a few weeks ago. Among the first things that strike you about a performance are his intensity
Whose road this is, I'll never know, Nor whence it comes, nor where it goes, Just how it wends, 'tis how I steer Then stop, to see the mountains glow. My little Porsche
SFFD ladder truck T-13 heads southbound along 2nd street. A firefighter checks his phone after returning to the Howard St. firehouse aboard Engine E-1.
I don't fancy myself a street photographer, but sometimes I do play one on TV. I spent an above-average amount of time in San Francisco this past week, and came up with a
This past week, LitQuake invaded San Francisco for a week of literary mayhem. On the advice of a friend of mine, I attended Literary Death Match this past Thursday. As I stood in