After literally years of anticipation, I finally attended my first Red Bull Flugtag this past Saturday, November 10th. The sun was out, the aircraft had a light headwind, and visibility was clear. That
Whose road this is, I'll never know, Nor whence it comes, nor where it goes, Just how it wends, 'tis how I steer Then stop, to see the mountains glow. My little Porsche
This is Larry. Behind Larry, you can see a beautiful vista, featuring a brilliant full moon rising above the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, as seen from the mild but nonetheless warm and not-at-all-hard-to-get-to-from-south-bay-during-rush-hour
During a photo walk a few weeks ago, a friend and I spontaneously ducked into a tea shop in Chinatown for a free tea tasting. As luck would have it, my friend was
I don't think of myself as a landscape photographer, but every once in awhile I'll see a stunning vista, and I somehow manage to capture not just the view, but the feeling of