Misty in Mountain View

The weather in Mountain View over the past two days has been downright peculiar.  I've been busy with other stuff, but my camera practically forced itself into my hands and I had to take a picture or two.

I liked the contrast of the bright, organic leaves against the neutral sky and the neutral geometric shapes of the building.  I shot this Monday morning outside of Posh Bagel, on Mountain View's Castro street, after a quick brainstorm session at breakfast.

And another from this evening.  Photography is a great stress-reliever.  I was going for a walk and I spotted some color in the dark night sky.  I always like these guys since the stand out so sharply against any kind of light on the horizon, which in this case was in the form of a giant, backlit cloud of mist.



Hey, it's me! I’ve been a documentary photographer for 17 yrs, software engineer for even longer, and plenty of other things in between.