This past weekend was the 24 Hours of LeMons "Sears Pointless" race, held at the-track-formerly-and-sometimes-still-known-as Sears Point. I went up on Sunday, after Saturday's maelstrom had abated, and took some pictures. This post
Happened through downtown Mountain View around 2:00 am this morning in the rain. Decided to go for a stroll, and spotted a fire engine that was backing into the roadway to take
I spent around 20 minutes shooting some bees on Monday and managed to come up with a frame that I really like. The NEX-7 is great; I used manual focus for this shot
Anyone who knows me has probably heard me complaining about my X100. Much like the Canon EOS 300D 8 years before, the X100 practically created a new camera segment, but was too mediocre
I shot my first ever circus performance years ago in Boston. I posted the photos back in 2008 in a post simply called Circus Smirkus, after the name of the group. By some