As much as I loved the D300, from an operational perspective it is completely outclassed by the D7100. The D7100 has a sensor that the 24-70/2.8 lens deserves, and when you put them together, the results are astounding. Above is an unsharpened, 100% crop from a shot I took of some bees on Thursday. Holy moly.

Here's a slightly more artistic crop of that same shot. And man, does that 24-70 pump out some fantastic bokeh.

This is another shot from that same afternoon. I cropped a 3820x2547px box out of the original 6000x4000px image, and then scaled it to 960x640px for the web and did some sharpening. Absolutely delightful. Wow. I mean, if y'all can't tell, I think I'm in love…